注意,比特币再次测试26000? 前两天你错过了这个点位, 现在机会可能又来了?上周比特币继续下跌,那么未来走势和关键转折点在什么地方呢?个人观点,仅供参考

黎叔 聊货币的秘密
黎叔 聊货币的秘密
关键词 :注意,比特币再次测试26000? 前两天你错过了这个点位, 现在机会可能又来了?上周比特币继续下跌,那么未来走势和关键转折点在什么地方呢?个人观点,仅供参考

黎叔聊货币的秘密 频道简介:
黎叔聊货币的秘密。分享网上赚钱,如何做加密货币交易,比特币 bitcoin,以太坊Ethereum ,狗狗币 DOGE,SHIB 等, 股票交易, 等在家赚钱。
黎叔分享如何小风险,安全精准点位进场和出场,提醒市场拐点,大坑,和陷阱。 不是推荐买卖加密货币,也不是推荐买卖股票, 和买卖美股期权等。

Online Education to share trading Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency, Ethereum, DOGE, SHIB, etc., and Trading stocks, stock options. This online making money course is to teach how to trade cryptocurrency training tutorials, and how to trade stocks training tutorials. Personal experience sharing only, not recommended to buy or sell cryptocurrency, stocks, or stock options.

本频道仅用於个人分享教育知识, 仅供参考和怡乐, 不用於加密货币,股票等的专业推荐. 基於影片所作的任何投资所造成的任何损失概不负责.如需要专业财务建议, 请联系专业人士. This personal channel is online education sharing how-to only, not for the professional recommendations of cryptocurrency, stocks, etc. Seek professional advice If you need it.